May Club Meeting
Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TX6pm Welcome New Beekeepers and Guest and Q&A 6:30 Treasures Report 6:35 Youth Scholarship updates 6:45 Queen Evaluation by D.V.Johns - MBKPR. 7:15 Q&A 8: 00 Meeting closed Feel free to hang around and chat
June Club Meeting
Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TXMeeting Agenda 6 PM Workshop information for June 4 6:05 Welcome New Beekeepers and Guests and Q&A 6:20 Nominations for President 6:30 Treasures Report 6:35 Youth Scholarship updates 6:45 Plant of the Month -Tammy Rainey 6:52 Presentation- “Super Duper”- Steve Hatherly MBKR In progress. 7:15 Q&A 8: 00 Meeting closed Feel free to hang around […]
Summer Beekeeping Workshop
1454 CR 4680, Boyd, TX 76023 1454 CR 4680, Boyd, TXCLUB MEMBERS – $20 per family NON-CLUB MEMBERS – $30 per family TOPICS COVERED: Smoker Lighting Feeding and Feeders Varroa Mite Testing Demonstration Honey Extracting THINGS TO BRING: Bee suit for every person attending (required) Smoker
August Bee Club Meeting
Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TXJuly Bee Club Meeting
Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TX6 pm - nominate President candidates 6:05- welcome visitors, short Q&A for visitors and newcomers 6:15 -Treasury report- Trsr.-S.Hatherly 6:18 - Bee camp intro and report-Education officer-Tammy Rainey 6:30- What’s Blooming- Sch. Recip. -Oaklee 6:38- Scholarshipper’s reports 6:50- presentation 7:00- Q&A
August Club Meeting
Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TX6 pm - Elect President 6:05- welcome visitors, short Q&A for visitors and newcomers only 6:15 -Treasury report- Trsr.-S.Hatherly 6:18- Bee camp report-Education officer-Tammy Rainey 6:25- What’s Blooming- Ironweed- Donovan Johns 6:30 -Scholarshipper’s reports 6:50- presentation - Beekeepers , Bees and heat - Donovan 7:00- Q&A for all
September Meeting
Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TXSeptember meeting agenda for WTBC 9-1-22 @ Los Mirasoles Taqueria in Bridgeport Tx 6:00 Welcome visitors, short Q&A for visitors and newcomers only 6:10 -Treasury report- Trsr.-S.Hatherly 6:13- Discuss October elections / nominations 6:20 What’s Blooming? 6:25 Scholarshipper’s reports 6:30 Wax Processing- James Johnson/Stephen Hatherley /group input 6:40 Candy Boards/ Winter Preparations James Nielson 7:00- […]
November Meeting
Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TXAgenda A. Unfinished business B. DIscuss other meeting location options C. Bee talk
December Meeting
Decatur Conference Center 2010 US-380, Decatur, TX, United StatesNext meeting on 12-1-22@6p. Location change to Bridgeport Library. We will no longer meet at Los Mirasoles.