Wise Texas Bee Club

Summer Beekeeping Workshop

1454 CR 4680, Boyd, TX 76023 1454 CR 4680, Boyd, TX

CLUB MEMBERS – $20 per family NON-CLUB MEMBERS – $30 per family TOPICS COVERED: Smoker Lighting Feeding and Feeders Varroa Mite Testing Demonstration Honey Extracting THINGS TO BRING: Bee suit for every person attending (required) Smoker

July Bee Club Meeting

Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TX

6 pm - nominate President candidates 6:05- welcome visitors, short Q&A for visitors and newcomers 6:15 -Treasury report- Trsr.-S.Hatherly 6:18 - Bee camp intro and report-Education officer-Tammy Rainey 6:30- What’s Blooming- Sch. Recip. -Oaklee 6:38- Scholarshipper’s reports 6:50- presentation 7:00- Q&A

August Club Meeting

Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TX

6 pm - Elect President 6:05- welcome visitors, short Q&A for visitors and newcomers only 6:15 -Treasury report- Trsr.-S.Hatherly 6:18- Bee camp report-Education officer-Tammy Rainey 6:25- What’s Blooming- Ironweed- Donovan Johns 6:30 -Scholarshipper’s reports 6:50- presentation - Beekeepers , Bees and heat - Donovan 7:00- Q&A for all

September Meeting

Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TX

September meeting agenda for WTBC 9-1-22 @ Los Mirasoles Taqueria in Bridgeport Tx 6:00 Welcome visitors, short Q&A for visitors and newcomers only 6:10 -Treasury report- Trsr.-S.Hatherly 6:13- Discuss October elections / nominations 6:20 What’s Blooming? 6:25 Scholarshipper’s reports 6:30 Wax Processing- James Johnson/Stephen Hatherley /group input 6:40 Candy Boards/ Winter Preparations James Nielson 7:00- […]

November Meeting

Taqueria Los Mirasoles 1401 Chico Hwy, Bridgeport, TX

Agenda A. Unfinished business B. DIscuss other meeting location options C. Bee talk

December Meeting

Decatur Conference Center 2010 US-380, Decatur, TX, United States

Next meeting on 12-1-22@6p. Location change to Bridgeport Library. We will no longer meet at Los Mirasoles.

January Meeting

Decatur Conference Center 2010 US-380, Decatur, TX, United States

April Meeting

Decatur Conference Center 2010 US-380, Decatur, TX, United States

March Meeting

Decatur Conference Center 2010 US-380, Decatur, TX, United States

Beginning Beekeeper Workshop

WORKSHOP DETAILS: March 25, 2023 9am – 11pm LOCATION: 1454 CR 4680, Boyd, TX 76023 CLUB MEMBER/FAMILY – $20 per family NON-CLUB MEMBER/FAMILY – $30 per family TOPICS COVERED: Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Tools Hive Inspection Smoker Care Sugar Roll Mite Tes THINGS TO BRING: Bee suit for every person attending (required) Smoker